No | SNB Fee Type | Amount (S$) |
1. | Application for Registration/Enrolment/Certification Fee | |
a. | Application for Registration / Enrolment as a Locally Trained Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife or Enrolled Nurse | 30 |
b. | Application for Registration / Enrolment as a Foreign Trained Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife or Enrolled Nurse | 60 |
c. | Application for certification as an Advanced Practice Nurse | 200 |
2. | Registration / Certification Fee | |
a. | Registration of Person as a Locally Trained Registered Nurse / Registered Nurse (Psychiatry) | 30 |
b. | Registration of a Person as a Foreign Trained Registered Nurse / Registered Nurse (Psychiatry) | 55 |
c. | Registration of a Person as a Locally Trained Registered Midwife | 20 |
d. | Registration of Person as a Foreign Trained Registered Midwife | 55 |
3. | Enrolment Fee | |
a. | Enrolment of Person as a Locally Trained Enrolled Nurse | 30 |
b. | Enrolment of Person as a Foreign Trained Enrolled Nurse | 50 |
4. | Certification of a Person as an Advanced Practice Nurse | 40 |
5. | Application/Renewal of Practising Certificate Fee | Per Year |
a. | For a Registered Nurse (Who is not Advanced Practice Nurse) | 45 |
b. | For a Registered Nurse (Psychiatry) | 45 |
c. | For an Enrolled Nurse | 30 |
d. | For an Enrolled Nurse (Psychiatry) | 30 |
e. | For a Registered Midwife | 30 |
f. | For a Registered Nurse (who is an Advanced Practice Nurse) | 60 |
6. | Additional
Administrative Charges imposed if payment of Item 5 is made using
non-electronic mode, e.g. by Cash, Cheque, Bank Draft or Money or Postal
Order | 2 |
7. | Late Application/Renewal of Practising Certificate Fee | |
a. | For a Registered Nurse (Who is not an Advanced Practice Nurse) | 40 |
b. | For a Registered Nurse (Psychiatry) | 40 |
c. | For an Enrolled Nurse | 30 |
d. | For an Enrolled Nurse (Psychiatry) | 30 |
e. | For a Registered Midwife | 30 |
f. | For an Advanced Practice Nurse (together with a Registered Nurse PC) | 70 |
8. | Application for Re-registration/Re-enrolment/Re-certification Fee | |
a. | Application for Re-registration as a Registered Nurse | 40 |
b. | Application for Re-registration as a Registered Nurse (Psychiatry) | 40 |
c. | Application for Re-registration as a Registered Midwife | 20 |
d. | Application for Re-enrolment as a Enrolled Nurse | 20 |
9. | Application for Re-certification as an Advanced Practice Nurse | 100 |
10. | Replacement of Certificate Fee | Per Certificate |
a. | Certificate of Registration | 50 |
b. | Certificate of Enrolment | 50 |
c. | Advanced Practice Nurse Certificate | 50 |
d. | Practising Certificate | 50 |
11. | Application for Verification of Registration/Enrolment/Certification Fee | 40 |
12. | Application for Transfer of Conditional Registration/Enrolment/Certification Fee (as to place of practice) | 55 |
13. | Application for Accreditation of Course Fee | Per Course |
a. | For
a course of study leading to any academic or professional qualification
in nursing in the form of an award of a certificate, diploma, advanced
diploma or degree | 1000 |
b. | For any other course | 700 |
14. | Application for Re-accreditation of Course Fee | Per Course |
a. | For
a course of study leading to any academic or professional qualification
in nursing in the form of an award of a certificate, diploma, advanced
diploma or degree | 650 |
b. | For any other course | 400 |
15. | Application for Transcript of Nursing Education (SON) Fee | 50 |
16. | Licensure Examination Fee | |
a. | Licensure Examination Conducted Locally | 100 |
b. | Licensure Examination Conducted Overseas | 40 |
17. | Application for Independent Practice | 200 |
18. | Application for Conversion of Conditional to Full Registration | 60 |
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